Exams & Digital X-Rays

Our mission is to offer you safe, professional, and painless services. If you have any questions about your treatment, Dr. Keller will provide you with all the necessary information to help you make an informed decision regarding your treatment.

Comprehensive oral exams based on current scientific evidence is the only way to ensure oral health and early detection. An in-depth review of your health state, medications, allergies, sleep, and nutrition will be examined. Your vital signs will be taken and recorded, as well as a thorough cancer survey, all to provide a unique, comprehensive oral health evaluation.

We approach oral/dental health as an integral part of your general health. To that end, we communicate, when needed, with other health care providers to make sure all your health care providers are working together and are coordinated to help you achieve optimal results.

Some people may not realize how important visiting the dentist regularly is! Going to the dentist at least twice a year can help you to save money and pain in the long run. If you go to the dentist more frequently the dentist will be able to determine potential problems that can be fixed very easily. While those who rarely go may have a lot more potential problems that get worse as time goes on.

Once the exam is complete and the information integrated, a custom treatment plan is generated and discussed in depth with you to make sure every aspect is clear, and all options discussed so that informed and educated decisions can be made. We look forward to meeting and assisting you in the path to health.

Periodic Exam:

Biannual exams are performed to ensure early detection and confirm reinforce home care.

They may include x rays and digital imaging, as well as a cancer exam and oral hygiene exam.

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